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Hyperlink logo to YouTube Channel "Other Things with Mindy Obenhaus"

Click on the Smiley Face to watch Mindy as she tells his story!

There are three additional videos

on the web page for you to enjoy!



Here's the backstory...

      Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, our world has been an increasingly difficult place of social unrest, loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of self dignity, hyper inflation, the drum beats of war...too much turmoil and little stress relief on the horizon.

 Against this backdrop, "Other Things with..." provides meaningful conversations with people who have struggles in life, yet continue to move forward in the pursuit of a life of hope and an optimistic future. Their stories are offered to you as a means to inspire and encourage you to move forward with your life and dream again, in spite of what comes at you from this life.    

           Mindy Obenhaus is an award-winning Christian Romance Novelist found in the Love Inspired series of Harlequin Enterprises ULC, with a total of 15 books published to date, plus book pairings with other successful authors. She will encourage you to press on and give life your best!  Mindy worked hard for nine years to get her first book published. She did not let the professional rejections detour her from pursuing the life she desires - to write books and succeed as a published author, as well as encourage and mentor others in their love and pursuit of writing. 



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